Vitality at Work: better health in the workplace
Vital and vibrant employees are full of energy. As an employer, you are in a position to boost the vitality of your employees. But how?
Voeding maakt je beter advises companies about Employee Well-Being. Discover what we do!
Lectures, tailor-made advice & coaching
Voeding maakt je beter helps companies to restore employee vitality. We do this by giving lectures on various topics in the field of improving vitality, such as:
- Healthy insights for a clear mind
- How to boost the immune system
- Everything to know about supplements
- Nutrition to support your well-being.
But also through:
- tailor-made advice in nutrition and, if needed, supplements
- Health checks and extensive testing such as gut microbiome test, hormonal imbalance test (m/v) and more!

Get in touch
If you want to create or maintain a better and healthy Work Environment for your company please send us an email at info@voedingmaaktjebeter or let’s connect on LinkedIn. We would love to help and guide you in creating a happy workplace!
Facts and figures of physical & mental balance in the Netherlands
The numbers don’t lie. The Dutch are champions in sitting. In no other European country does such a large proportion – 32 percent of the adult population – spend more than 8.5 hours a day. Both at work and at home. In other European countries, this is an average of 12 percent of the adult population. The ICT sector is a frontrunner in the Netherlands when it comes to sitting for long periods of time. Too much sitting has adverse health effects, such as a 74% higher risk of cardiovascular disease, than the group that sits for less than four hours and moves a lot. (1, 3, 5)
In addition, 29% of corporate Dutch people indicate that they are very tired and 14% suffer from symptoms of burnout. (2.4)
Actuele cijfers over bewegen en zitgedrag (1, RIVM)
Feiten en cijfers mentale balans op de werkvloer (2, Vitaal bedrijf)
Feiten en cijfers bewegen op de werkvloek (3, Vitaal bedrijf)
‘Mentale balans is een belangrijk onderdeel van vitaliteit’ (4, Vitaal bedrijf)